Robin Mortimer

British Ports Association

Appointed Chief Executive of the PLA in 2014, Robin had over 20 years’ experience in UK civil service for transport, environment, infrastructure and overseas development. Prior to joining the PLA, Robin was Private Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister and three Secretaries of State for Environment and Transport. He was lead author of the UK Climate Change Act, and as a Director in Defra led the Government’s Adapting to Climate Change programme, for the creation of the Canal & River Trust and directed policy on farming and the environment. Robin became Chair of Maritime UK in 2023 and chairs Estuary Services Ltd. He is a Board Member of the UK Major Ports Group, Thames Skills Academy, Thames Freeport, Thames Estuary Growth Board, a Non-Executive Director at Red One Ltd and is a Younger Brother at Trinity House.


18 Oct 23  I  09:30 – 11:00  I  Welcome & Business Snapshot/Overview

19 Oct 23  I  16:45 – 16:50  I  Conference Thanks

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