Edwin Pang

Arcsilea Limited

Edwin is a naval architect with over 20 years experience, specialising in general ship design, stability, fire safety, and environmental issues, but also carrying out surveys onboard and working in shipyards. He has been involved at the IMO since 2001 as part of the UK and latterly the Danish delegation and currently chairs the IMO Committee of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects where he is also a Trustee. His experience also includes EU research projects on alternative design for fire safety, damage stability and marine applications for hydrogen fuel cells. He is lead author of a study into the future of EEDI for the European Commission, and was closely involved in the development of the EEXI and CII frameworks. Recent work includes studies on the potential and safety of biofuels, ammonia, hydrogen and wind for EMSA as part of a consortium, and a practical guide to the selection of energy efficiency technologies for ships for the IMO Global Industry Alliance.


19 Oct 23   I   10:30 -11:15   I   The Fuels Transition 

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